Seven Hills West Public School

Respectful, Safe and Responsible Learners

Telephone02 9622 2136

Parents and citizens association

Seven Hills West Public School parents and citizens association (P&C) holds its meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month in the school library at 915am (excluding school holidays).

Our annual general meeting is held in March each year.

Membership fee (for voting rights) is $1 per year.

Seven Hills West Public School P&C association welcomes all parents to become a member and participate in its activities.

At our meetings you can:

  • discuss any concerns or issues.
  • catch up on school activities.
  • participate in any ongoing school initiatives.

Seven Hills West Public School P&C association runs our school canteen and uniform shop. It is committed to ensuring all students have affordable access to good food and uniforms.

Seven Hills West Public School P&C association is committed to an education system which is inclusive of all, irrespective of culture, gender, academic ability and socio-economic status. Parents as partners in the education process, have a right and a responsibility to play an active role in the education of their children.

The P&C federation website provides information to support the activities of school P&C associations and parents in their role as partners in the education of their child.  For more information visit the P&C federation website.

Download and view parents and citizens information (PDF 80KB)


At Seven Hills West Public School our 2024 committee for parents and citizens association are:

President - Lindy Stewart

Vice president - Aimee Eslick

Secretary - Cornelia Knauf-Palmer

Treasurer - Susan Cooper

Contact us

Phone: 02 9622 2136 (School number - please leave message)
