Seven Hills West Public School

Respectful, Safe and Responsible Learners

Telephone02 9622 2136

Parents & citizens association

Seven Hills West Public School Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

Seven Hills West Public School has a very active and involved community, encompassing parents, grandparents, carers and the local community.  We provide many and varied opportunities for our community to be involved with the school via the P&C.

Ways to get involved:

Parents, carers and relatives are encouraged to participate in the daily happenings of Seven Hills West Public School.  There are a variety of ways to do this – and if you can contribute in other ways, we would love to hear from you!

  • Joining the P&C for voting rights at P&C meetings regarding allocation of funds and decisions impacting our school
  • Attending P&C meetings
  • Volunteering on P&C committees 
  • Joining other committees and working groups to work on specialist projects
  • Volunteering for Breakfast Club in the canteen (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
  • Uniform shop