Seven Hills West Public School

Respectful, Safe and Responsible Learners

Telephone02 9622 2136

Preschool Procedures

Quality Improvement Plan 

All education and care services are required to have a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). 

Seven Hills West Public Preschool has a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to evaluate current practices through self-assessment, identifying strengths and then goals for quality improvement. The quality improvement plan outlines strategies for achieving the preschool’s goals and supports all staff to focus on improvements that will lead to better outcomes for children and families. 

Families are encouraged to actively contribute to QIP throughout the year by providing us feedback on areas we are doing well and things you would like to see improved.

We review our QIP on a weekly basis. Please contact our Preschool Team if you would like to see the latest version of our QIP.


Preschool Policies and Procedures

Preschools are required to have policies and procedures in place (regulation 168). The department’s policies, procedures and guidelines relate to both the school and the preschool. 

Seven Hills West Public Preschool procedures aim to:

  • support educators to understand their role and responsibilities

  • ensure consistency of approach and embedded practice

  • enhance effective management and teamwork

  • guide high quality practices

  • promote collaboration and partnership with families.

Our preschool has a range of policies and procedures to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all children. These include arrival and departure, food and nutrition, education and sun protection 

Family input into our procedures is encouraged and sought both on a formal and informal basis. It is important that read and and aware of our procedures before your child begins preschool.

Our Local Procedures

Seven Hills West Public Preschool follows the policies of the NSW Department of Education and has created localised procedures that relate specifically to our preschool context. These local procedures include:

1.    nutrition, food and beverages, dietary requirements

2.    sun protection

3.    water safety, including safety during any water-based activities

4.    the administration of first aid

5.    sleep and rest for children

6.    incident, injury, trauma and illness

7.    dealing with infectious diseases, including immunisation

8.    dealing with medical conditions in children

9.    emergency and evacuation

10. delivery of children to, and collection of children from, education and care service premises

11. excursions

12. safe arrival of children who travel between an education and care service and any other education or early childhood service

13. providing a child safe environment, including child protection and supervision

14. staffing, including

15. code of conduct for staff members

16. determining the responsible person present at the service

17. participation of volunteers and students on practicum placements

18. Interactions with children

19. enrolment and orientation

20. governance and management of the service, including confidentiality of records

21. the acceptance and refusal of authorisations

22. payment of fees and provision of a statement of fees

23. dealing with complaints

These procedures are available in the preschool and can be viewed on request.  These procedures are updated regularly or as required.

Quality and Regulations

Seven Hills West Public Preschool operates under the National Quality Framework which aims to raise quality, drive continuous improvement and provide better educational and developmental outcomes for children.

The important aspects of the National Quality Framework and its implementation are:

 Education and Care Services National Law

 Education and Care Services National Regulations

 National Quality Standard (NQS)

Early Year Learning Framework for Australia V2.0

An assessment and quality rating process

The Early Childhood Education Directorate who is responsible for the approval, monitoring and quality assessment of Seven Hills West Public Preschool.

A national body – Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) which guides the implementation of the National Quality Framework and works with regulatory authorities