Seven Hills West Public School

Respectful, Safe and Responsible Learners

Telephone02 9622 2136

Our Learning Journey

Going to preschool

This booklet is designed to help make the start of your child’s early learning journey a positive and happy one. You’ll find handy hints from to make it easier for you and your family to get your child ready for preschool. It will also reassure you that you’ve made the right decision in sending your child to preschool.

Attached is a parent handbook.



Your child’s learning at preschool will build on what you have taught them at home. Children learn through play. Your child’s interests will direct the learning experiences the teacher plans for your child through play.

Through these learning experiences, your child will explore and experiment. They will develop their skills in solving problems, communicating and socialising. They will also develop self-esteem, confidence and the foundations for their formal learning.

The learning program in preschool is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.

What are the key elements of the framework?

The Early Years Learning Framework V2 has a strong emphasis on playbase learning. The framework also recognises the importance of communication and language (including literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development. In addition, the framework has a focus on the successful transition to formal schooling.